
Accounting may not seem like an obvious career choice for many, but if you’re a whiz with numbers, like analysing data and dealing with money – this could be your calling. There are a number of different roles within the accounting sector – tax advisor, technician, forensic accountant, chartered accountant, audit trainee and much more. If you think this is the right path for you, you might want to look into the qualifications and skills you need for the job. Accountancy Services, like many other sectors, is in the midst of a tech transformation and firms are constantly evolving, making it even more competitive than before. Relevant work experience in the sector will certainly go a long way when you’re looking for a full-time graduate job in the future.
One huge positive about a career in accountancy is the amount of choice you’ll have about how it takes shape.
No matter how large or small, or wherever in the world it happens to be based, EVERY business needs an expert to manage its finance…
…plus, as a profession, accountancy is very much here to stay, so you won’t have to worry about changing world events affecting your employment prospects.
Not only that, there’s a huge variety of accountancy branches to specialise in. These span everyday bookkeeping, providing specialist tax advice, collating financial information that helps business owners feel confident about make-or-break decisions, and even rooting out fraudulent activity.