Strength definition
Enthusiastic: shows keen interest in a subject or an activity, as well as an eagerness to get involved.
Trustworthy: recognised as honest, someone who can be entrusted with anything of importance and able to keep information confidential.
Creative: identifies new areas of opportunity; Generates creative solutions and ideas; Approaches tasks and activities from various perspectives.
Patient: able to step back from a situation and recognise the need to wait without becoming frustrated.
Humble: open about the areas of their life that need work. Admit their mistakes. Open about not having all the answers.
Determined: is self-motivated to complete tasks and achieve goals; Initiates work with minimal direction from others.
Organised: schedules and plans for tasks; Prioritises activities to achieve goals and meet deadlines; Works in an orderly, timely, and organised manner.
Analytical: gathers and examines information from multiple sources; Studies facts and details; Makes thoughtful conclusions based on the information available
Curious: keen desire to learn, understand new things, and know how they work.
Results Achiever: focuses on accomplishing tasks and achieving positive results; Is motivated by achieving results; Takes action to meet goals and objectives.
Entrepreneurial: identifies and acts on opportunities; Takes calculated risks. Overcomes and learns from setbacks, and succeeds in a variety of settings.
Communicator: effectively communicates both verbally and in writing; Clearly communicates messages, thoughts, and ideas to others; Demonstrates strong presentation skills; Is able to change others’ viewpoints and opinions.
Team Player: works well in a diverse group; Actively listens and contributes to a group to complete tasks; Fosters friendship and mutual respect in a group.
Adaptable: readily adapts to change; Moves easily from one task or responsibility to another; Is able to perform tasks in ambiguous situations.
Problem Solver: determines the best solution based on the facts available and addresses problems in a timely manner; Provides multiple solutions for resolving problems.
Connects the dots: makes connections between facts or disparate pieces of information in order to arrive at a solution or conclusion. Can take a big-picture perspective.
Customer Oriented: provides excellent service to customers; Meets others’ needs in a timely manner with a positive attitude; Places others’ needs above their own.
Relationship Builder: builds strong long-term relationships with people; Networks effectively; Demonstrates empathy for others’ needs and feelings
Community Minded: demonstrates an awareness of the community in which they live and work; Participates in the community and encourages others to do so.
Detail Focused: demonstrates a strong attention to detail; Provides facts and details when conveying information; Thoroughly reviews information for accuracy and consistency.
Resilient: maintains a steady and positive attitude in challenging situations; Handles rejection and criticism well; Is not easily discouraged