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Philippa Hewett

I think this project gives benefit to both parties to a conversation Hopefully it gives a bit of insider knowledge to somebody considering a career in the sector, and also it allows an established professional a chance to view their role under a different lens. So basically it’s a bit of a win-win.

Amani Lowey

Brilliant concept at its inception, thoughtfully designed and piloted, crystal clear step-by-step guidance for candidates and professionals, great briefings and a generally positive, engaging and purposeful vibe – an absolutely fantastic project to get involved in, from which all parties have something meaningful to gain :). Thank you!

Emma Moffat

The project really worked well for me and my match, and we were able to have a really good chat about where he thought he may want to take his career/any advice I could give regarding that! It was a really rewarding experience and hopefully helped him too. We are definitely looking to stay in touch.

V James

I have mentored before through various avenues however the 1 hour project gave me the opportunity to provide support and advice to a student in a very no fuss, no frills process. Making it extremely easy to concentrate on the advice and connecting the student to the right avenues.

Industry Expert

1 Hour Project is a great initiative to provide students with practical advice from real people, working in their chosen career paths. Not everything could (or should) be available on Google and you cannot beat real life experience and human interaction. I only wish this was available when I was student!

Jackie Grisdale

The 1hour project is a valuable initiative to help connect those who need it, with a network of industry professionals to inspire them into their future careers. Get involved and give someone the opportunity to learn from your experience, you won’t regret it!

Scott Walker

Such a great cause. Fulfilling to see and hear the energy of young talent, it literally takes you back in time. Beneficial for the students, but also for professionals to give you a reminder of the challenges and ambiguity of the difference between education and industry.

Kate Daubney, Director of The Careers Group

The 1 Hour Project is genuinely transformational for students and industry experts. The opportunity to hear, first hand, from a student about how they see the world and perceive the opportunities and barriers to progress should be required for anyone leading an organisation, managing others, recruiting or looking to remove such barriers. It was a privilege to be part of the conversation with the student I was matched to for an hour.

Neil Maidment

The work being done by the 1 Hour Project is inspiring and deeply needed. There is a wealth of knowledge, experience and opportunity out there and this project opens doors to what might just be a critical conversation for someone starting out in their career. All it takes is a spark and here is a network to make it happen.